Korken's Peaceful Warrior Journey


Friday, July 29, 2011


Thank you to my friends who have inspired this new post.  :-)

Marianne Williamson writes that, "as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same."  I hope my light may ignite your own lights to shine down the path of least resistance and joy.  But before that happens, we must get through all the noise that keeps us from following that path.  The noise is caused by our fears, which are simply false beliefs that we have about our world and about ourselves.

Our intuition/inner voice speaks to us everyday.  And most of the time the message goes in one ear and out the other.  But that is to be expected.  So our clever voice must find other ways to communicate with us.  Often times it's through other people, through physical ailments, or through events that happen in our lives.  Sometimes the noise is so loud in our minds that it takes a huge event to shake us and get us to listen.

Many of us get these messages, but we're too afraid to listen.  The sacrifice and change seems unbearable, almost impossible to handle.  Take me for example.  Here I am in LA pursuing my acting career full force.  I'm inspired, passionate, and love the pursuit.  I'm even enjoying the journey to my goals of being a series regular on a primetime drama or being the top actor in films.  Believe me, I was happy for the most part.  But for most of us, we live our lives thinking we must make do with what we have.  Feeling stuck, whether it's financially or by obligation (children, marriage, sick family member, needing to accomplish what we set out to do, etc).   We have been so trained to rely only on what we can see and what others tell us we should see and find important, that most of us will never be able to follow the path laid out by our intuitions, because we believe that the sacrifice would absolutely ruin us or peg us as failures.  It seems so daunting, so difficult, but in truth, it's the easiest, most fulfilling path, because it is our calling.

I've known for quite some time now that my path might lead elsewhere.  But I didn't really understand it or want to hear it.  I was content with doing what I love to do, even if it meant not feeling totally fulfilled at times with my life.  I knew hurdles existed and was willing to wait them out or jump over them to get where I wanted to be.  But I was fighting a losing battle, because I was trying to jump over the wrong hurdles, ones that didn't move or were impossible to get through.   Sometimes in order to get through an obstacle you must take another path.  And perhaps that path will lead you right back 'here' with a new perspective and plenty of new ideas and ways to overcome that obstacle- skills and experiences that you didn't have when you first started.

Take for example the boy in The Alchemist.  What he went through on his journey!  Only to find that the treasure he'd been looking for from the beginning had been in the exact place where he began his journey.  But in order to see it and find it, he had to first experience the journey.  But he never led the way.  His mind never led the way.  What led the way was his intuition.  At one point the boy trusted his intuition to such an extent, that he was willing to do anything and make huge sacrifices to follow the path it laid out for him.

But that's the most difficult part for all of us- letting go of our fears and limitations- breaking through the noise.   What really helped me to overcome the noise was to sit in a quiet place and ask myself... am i really happy? And if you're asking yourself that question, you already know the answer is no. And the next question is simply, if this was all really just a dream and none of it really mattered, what would I be most happiest doing? Forget reality, forget money, forget what your friends and family want. Forget all your limitations, obligations, and unfulfilling personal goals.  If none of this shit mattered, what would make you most happy?  

And the most beautiful thing about it, is that you don't need to know the answer to that question.  You only need to be willing to seek it out.  And to be willing means letting go of what you think your life is... who you think you are.   Taking that leap of faith.  I have no idea where this path is taking me.  I don't have a single answer at this point.  I'm hoping it eventually leads me back to acting, but I've accepted that it might not.  That is my ultimate sacrifice and it was very difficult to let it go.  But I know that I can give so much more to this world when I'm fully immersed in my light.  And only my inner voice knows how to get me there.  

We all know what the very next step is for us.  We've gotten the message.  But what keeps us from taking that step is not knowing what the step after it will be and the step after that and so on... But I'm gonna let you in on a little secret:  you don't have to even know what the second step is.  You won't know.  Not until you take the first step.  And you can only take it if you trust that whatever is leading you down this path will be there to catch you when you take your courageous leap.  I promise you it will be there.  I promise you it will be incredible.  I promise you, you will never regret it.  

If you yearn everyday to run into the wilderness and live a richer, more spiritually fulfilling life without the vanity, ego and frustration you normally face, then do it!  If you would love to quit your 9-5 job in a cubicle, move to New Orleans with your sax and create jazz music every night at a hole in the wall bar, then do it!  If you are in a miserable relationship, trying to make ends meet with three jobs and have been contemplating making a move to the midwest to start your own farm, then do it!  

You don't need to know how you're going to do it, you just need to know what the first step is.  Maybe it's a divorce, maybe it's quitting your job, maybe it's asking that girl out you've been eyeing for the last 3 years.  Whatever has been tugging at your heart strings is that first step.  And once you take that first step, the next one will be revealed to you. 

It's time to live, my friends.  It's time to stop settling.  It's time to know our worth and stand in our light.  Because your time here is running out every second you wait.  Now is the time to make that move.  Not later, not tomorrow, not when you have the money and accomplishments.  NOW.  And there's only one thing you will ever need.  Trust.  

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Peaceful Warrior Journey: Chapter 1

So Chapter 1 of my journey is just about set.

Please check out this short video I put together that tells you about the places I will be visiting.
For a larger video version, please click here.

Quick Look at Where I'm Going


1) Mystical Yoga Farm www.mysticalyogafarm.com

Self-sustaining, off the grid farm that seeks to reconnect people to nature, spirituality, and the surrounding Mayan community.

I'll be part of their Apprentice Program.

For more details, please watch my first video blog or visit their site!

2) Casa Guatemala

An orphanage located in Rio Dulce, near the Caribbean Coast.

me to about 250 orphans (ages 5-16).
Most of them have either been abandoned, abused, or come from families facing extreme poverty.

I'll be working day & night with the kids. Feeding them, clothing them, playing with them, and teaching them.

Should be an incredible experience!


-An organization focused on ecological revival and sustainable living in Haiti.

-They focus on water conservation, indigenous reforestation, and organic farming to help support the needs of the local Haitian community.

Can't wait to work with these guys!

-A grassroots org that builds shelters, homes, clinics, and classrooms.

-They also install sanitation and water purification systems, teach English, and train for jobs to foster self-reliance.

Please SPONSOR my journey! I would so appreciate it! :-)
(There's a DONATE link at the top of the page)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

What's Life Without Desire?

So now that you know WHY I'm doing this... I'd love to take you through the ideas and thoughts I've been having the last two weeks. And then in the next blog, I'll map out all the details of the journey. (if you haven't read my first blog below, please do so before continuing)

"When there is no desire, all things are at peace."

I kept thinking about this quote for days. What was it really trying to say? How did it fit into the journey I was preparing to take? And slowly I began to understand that everything that I had been taught since I was a kid was keeping me from seeing the simplicity in this message. It wasn't saying that I should do nothing with my life. It was saying that the need for personal desires kept me from my peace. And slowly I began to piece it all together...

We all want to be somebody... the president of the United States, the American Idol, the valedictorian, the scientist that finds a cure for cancer, a great novelist, a doctor, an actor, a priest... From the second we first stepped into a classroom, we were taught that we had to go to college and be a success at something..anything! The American Dream was infused into our bones and mind through our parents. We saw how hard they worked to get us the things we needed and they expected even greater things from us.

You couldn't help but think that this was the only way. Success, achievement, credentials, grades, MONEY, power, respect! The more things you own, and the more people know you, and the higher your ranking... the more successful you are. We all await that glorious day... where we can stand in front of our parents, friends, and loved ones and BE a success. All that hard work will finally pay off! Then you will be important and people will know you and they will remember you. We all want to be remembered after we leave this Earth.

Go, go, go, go, go... keep swimming, keep trying, keep pushing, keep improving...whatever you do just don't give up on your dreams!!! Sometimes you even stop to wonder who you're doing all this for. Is this what I want? Is this the only way to my happiness? Why is this so important to me? Am I happy? And you ignore all these questions and you keep pushing and trying and FINALLY....you're there! A success!! You're at the top of the game... you've made it. You have the money, the house, the kids, the respect. You have it ALL!

But there's something missing. Something terribly missing. You realize that there's another ladder to climb. That now people expect more from you. You expect more from yourself. You don't have enough. And the wicked cycle goes on and on until your time comes to leave this world and you look back and think..."Damn, I sure did live the American Dream. I did well for myself. I could have done better, but I did my best. Hopefully they will remember me."

But your heart asks you a few questions. Did you enjoy your time here on Earth? Were you at peace? Were you happy? What did you do for others less fortunate than yourself? How did you make a difference?

And you realize that this whole need to be a great success was an illusion that kept you from your own happiness and peace. You spent 90% of your life trying to convince yourself that you were worthy. And yes, you donated to charities and gave money to the homeless. But you spent most of your waking hours worrying about how you were going to be remembered, rather than worrying about how you could really make a difference in this world. Because that's where you will find your peace. And I remembered what the 'Tao' had said to me from day one...

“The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others, the happier he is.
The more he gives to others, the wealthier he is.”

And it all made sense. This is the purpose of my journey. To get outside of myself, my desires. To find happiness and wealth through service. Will I come back to acting? Who knows? But I know that if I do come back to it, it will be from a whole different perspective.

I don't have to prove anything to anyone. Not even to myself. My success as an actor doesn't come from a paycheck or a series regular role on TV, or even from celebrity status. It comes from how my work and passion affect those around me. I want to act to inspire, to help people see something differently, to bring joy and love into their lives. I'm not saying don't follow your passion and have ambitions. I'm saying don't spend the rest of your life judging your worth based on money and credentials and whether you will be remembered. Base it on love, on service, on compassion. And you will find peace.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'll Do It Tomorrow!


As most of you know, in one week I will be heading off to Guatemala & Haiti for about a year to do volunteer work. This blog will allow me to keep in touch with all of you and bring you along on my journey.

Many of you have been asking me, "Why are you doing this?" or "What inspired you to take such a huge leap of faith?" Well, it's something that's been brewing inside me for a while. And one day I stopped telling that little, annoying voice, "I'll do it tomorrow!", and actually took action. Next thing I know I'm sadly calling my mom to tell her I'm going away for a while. And shockingly, the first thing she says is.. "Ok. But don't be sad about it. Be excited!" But I was being asked to put my life and CAREER on hold to go out into the world and be of service to others for God only knows how long! How could I be excited? I was scared!- not because I had no idea what awaited me in these countries, but because I wasn't sure I'd be coming back to the life and career I had been building for the last ten years.

Let me take you back a bit... this whole idea was secretly planted into my mind about two months ago. My good friend Gideon (who I met on a spiritual retreat in Costa Rica) was visiting LA and we somehow ended up in Barnes and Noble on 3rd Street Promenade. Scouring through the 'philosophy' section, I came upon this book, which embarrassingly enough, I had never seen before- "Tao te Ching."- written back in the 6th century BC by Lao Tzu. It's had thousands of translations over the years, but I couldn't tell ya which translation this was...I do remember, however, that it was in English. Anyway, I open the book and start flipping through the pages, read a few passages, and right before I close it and move on to the next book, my eyes catch a little phrase...

"When there is no desire, all things are at peace."

I roll my eyes. Please.. what's life without desire? I have goals, ambitions, and dreams for myself. I'm gonna be one of the greatest actors that ever lived. I want that more than anything. Acting is my passion. I couldn't live without it. If I didn't have the desire to reach my goals, my life would have no purpose. Without that desire, I'd mind as well be a bum. Yeah...without desire, there sure is peace...as a bum! I don't want that. 'What a silly man this Lao Tzu was,' I thought to myself. I guess back in the BC times, people didn't really need desire. They just had to survive. But I was living the American Dream! How lucky for me! Little did I know, this innocent, silly phrase would change my life forever.

The last few months I've been pouring my heart and soul into this acting group that I started- Inspired Artists Group. It's basically a group of passionate actors who work on their craft, hold each other accountable for taking actions to further their careers, and produce and write their own work. As expected, there were a few bumps on the road, and one night I found myself really frustrated with the whole thing, with my life, with my career. Yeah, who hasn't felt that way, right?

So, I started going off on the 'universe' and angrily demanding some much needed guidance. Once I had finally calmed down, I opened my laptop and checked the baseball scores... yeah, the Phillies had won again. I cracked a smile. I went to ESPN to read the full article on the game and then read some of the posted comments at the bottom and coincidentally enough some random sports fan quoted from 'Tao te Ching.' I kid you not! I don't even remember the quote because I immediately googled, "Tao te Ching quotes." And THIS was the very first quote that popped up...

"The Master has no possessions.
The more he does for others, the happier he is.
The more he gives to others, the wealthier he is.”

The universe had spoken, and I was not impressed. This was the guidance?! I kept reading this over and over and over again. I didn't understand what I was being asked to do. I sat there quietly, hoping it would make more sense. And then it happened... my intuition spoke.

"Step outside of yourself, and be of service to others."

Suddenly, all these ideas about going overseas started flooding into my head. India, Haiti, Sudan, Armenia, you name it. 'This is insane,' I thought. I can't just leave everything and go on this 'service trek' around the world! This can't be MY calling... my calling is to stay here and inspire people through my art. Forget this I thought, I'll sleep on it and I'm sure I'll wake up with a clearer mind- the same mind that brought me out to LA to be an actor.

I woke up the next morning and sure enough, the thoughts were gone. Silly intuition...it was a nice idea, but I'm still trying to build something here for myself. How can I possibly help others when I have nothing to show for myself? I haven't succeeded yet. When I succeed and have money, I'll do all that. I'll do it tomorrow!

And soon as I got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to eat my cereal (like I do EVERY morning), the thoughts rushed back into my mind, but even stronger than the previous night. I was being summoned. It was almost like I didn't have a choice. I took a deep breath and cupped my face into my hands. I couldn't believe this was happening. Well, I thought, I guess I did get my answer after all. Just not the answer I was expecting. Not even close. It was time to call my mother...